  • 期刊


A Study on Correlated Factors of Finland Students' Excellent Science Learning Achievement in Programme for International Student Assessment-2007 European Science Education Visiting Mission's Reflectio


本文的目的在於藉由2007年歐洲科學教育學術參訪團於芬蘭赫爾辛基大學數學與科學教育中心的學術研究交流討論,以及赫爾辛基大學附屬中學的課室教學實地觀摩,探討芬蘭PISA 2003成功經驗與芬蘭科學教育的特色,並且將分析結果與我國TIMSS 2003的測驗結果,進行初步探討。同時,比較兩國在PISA 2006測驗表現的差異。分析結果發現,臺灣與芬蘭的中學生在科學成就的表現皆爲優良,然而臺灣學生仍需加強科學解釋與科學探索的能力。臺灣學生的科學學習成就存在著城鄉差距,他們的學校科學學習信心不足,明顯低於芬蘭學生;但是臺灣學生對於日常生活科學問題的解決是有信心的,高於芬蘭學生。不同於TIMSS 2003的結果,PISA 2006的結果顯示,臺灣學生對於科學學習的興趣與樂趣是正面的,與芬蘭學生相當。提昇臺灣學生科學解釋與科學探索的能力,以及改善他們的學校科學學習信心,將是當前國內科學教育發展應該正視的課題。芬蘭則透過芬蘭文化尊重教師與教育機制、地方政府具有相當教育決策權、完善的基礎教育、以及優良的中小學師資等教育特色,使得芬蘭學子在PISA 2003與PISA 2006都有著優異的表現,而這些特色是值得國內未來科學教育規劃的參考。


The research purpose is to discuss and analyze the correlated factors of Finland students' excellent science learning achievement in PISA, by reason of 2007 European science education visiting mission's acquisitions from the academic exchange at the department of Applied Sciences of Education, university of Helsinki, and the classroom observation at university practice school, Helsingin normaalilyseo. It also made an analytic contrast Taiwan students' achievement in TIMSS 2003 with Finland students' achievement in PISA 2003, and both in PISA 2006, to suggest implications on science education in Taiwan. The results of this study showed that: (1) Taiwan students and Finland students both had excellent science and mathematic achievement, but there were significant differences between Taiwan urban students and rural student. (2) Taiwan students failed of learning confidence by themselves. (3) Finland students had excellent achievement and small differences between urban students and rural students, because of devolution of decision power and responsibility at the local level, free comprehensive school education, superior quality teachers, and culture of trust that values teachers' professionalism.


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