  • 期刊


Application of Support Vector Regression in Monitoring Process and Product Profiles




Statistical process control (SPC) has been successfully applied in a variety of areas. In some applications, it is usually assumed that quality characteristics can be adequately represented by one single measurement from an univariate or multivariate distribution of a vector formed by multiple measurements. However, in an increasing number of applications, there is an interest in monitoring multiple measurements constituting a line or curve. The quality of process control is characterized by the relationship between a response variable (y) and one or more explanatory variables (x), which is referred to as a profile. Thus, the profile monitoring process control detects and classifies the change occurred in a functional relationship of a process. The functional relationship of the profile can be presented by a linear, nonlinear or curve surface. In this paper we use support vector regression (SVR) to detect and classify the shifts in linear profiles. Each of the two different predict models based on support vector regression monitors the coefficients in a simple linear regression model of a profile, respectively. In performance evaluation, we use ARL criterion to assess the efficiencies of detecting shifts in linear profile data. After comparing with the traditional methods, the results of the proposed methods are better, which leads to enhancement in the monitoring performance. The main contribution of this research is enhancing the monitoring efficiency.


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