  • 期刊


The Effect of Dual Task on Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters during Stair Negotiation




Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of aging (between groups) and different conditions (within group) on cognitive performance and spatiotemporal gait parameters during stair negotiation. Methods: 16 healthy elderly adults (7 males and 9 females, 79.16 ± 6.97 years, 160.49 ± 7.27 cm, 62.16 ± 11.26 kg) and 12 healthy young adults (6 males and 6 females, 23.00 ± 1.21 years, 165.25 ± 4.11 cm, 60.25 ± 6.90 kg) were recruited in this study to perform cognitive task on sitting posture and stair negotiation; they also performed stair negotiation with cognitive task. Results: Significant within group difference were found in cognitive performance for elderly and young adults. Significant between and within group difference were detected on time of gait cycle, cadence and gait velocity during four gait phases. Significant differences were detected for stride length on between and within group of SA phase, between group of SD phase and between and within group of stair to floor transition phase. During SA phase, a significant statistical interaction was found in gait velocity variability. Significant between group differences were detected between young and elderly subjects in gait velocity variability during stair to floor transition phase. Conclusions: Elderly and young subjects alike depended on the degree of difficulty of motor task to determine whether to focus on cognitive task or not. During SA phase, walking with concurrent cognitive task resulted in destabilization of posture control and indicated that elderly subjects were found to be able to adapt a conservative strategy to decrease gait velocity variability in order to prevent the risk of fall. Due to the difference of mechanical demands and levels of hazardous between SA and SD, significant difference of spatiotemporal parameters couldn't be demonstrated from the dual task effect.


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