  • 期刊


A Study on the Effects of Ear Points Pressing on Resting Cardiopulmonary Functions


本研究的目的在於比較耳穴貼壓刺激與無耳穴貼壓刺激對安静時心跳率、氧攝取量、換氣量、呼吸交換率等心肺功能反應的差異。三十位受試者分別接受耳穴貼壓刺激與無耳穴貼壓刺激兩種實驗處理。耳穴貼壓係採用“王不留行籽”貼壓雙耳之心、肺、腎上腺等三個穴位,並分別在測驗時第5~15和第25~35分鐘,以拇指和食指相對按壓刺激。實驗過程使用Sensormedics2900能量代謝系統分析氣體。所得資料以重複量數t考驗處理。本研究結果發現貼壓刺激耳穴的心、肺和腎土腺時的心跳率、氧攝取量及換氣量皆顯著低於無貼壓刺激時。但是耳穴貼壓刺激與無耳穴貼壓刺激時之呼吸交換率在安靜時各時段之間都沒有顯著差異。 本研究結果顯示貼壓刺激耳穴,確能產生生理變化,且在調整期裡,仍保留著相當程度的貼壓刺激效果。但這些下降的生理反應,是否有助於臨床之治療,或有利於運動表現,有待進一步的探討。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of ear point pressing on heart rate, oxygen consumption, ventilation and respiratory exchang rate. Subjects were thirteen university males with average age, height and weight of 21.23 yrs. 172.17cm and 69.63kgs respectively. Heart points, lung points, and epinephral points on both ears were pressed by using ”Emplanting Seeds” during 5th-15th minutes and 25th-35th minutes of testing and expired air was assessed by Sensormedics 2900 measurement cart. Repeat t tests showed that responses of heart rate, oxygen consumption, and ventilation of ear points pressing. Effect of significant depression on resting physiological responses lasted through every period after ear point pressing stimulation. But no significant differences of respiratory exchange rate were found during testing. Results seem to verify the ear point pressing on results of physiological variables under investigation. Whether or not such depressed physiological responses are beneficial to human body and performance deserves further study.


