  • 期刊


Study on the Relationship between Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction


本研究的目的在於瞭解中華台北奧林匹克委員會與中華民國高級中等學校體育總會領導者領導型態與行政人員工作滿意之關係。研究對象為中華台北奧林匹克委員會及中華民國高級中等學校體育總會的行政人員35位。並以領導行為描述問卷(簡稱LBDQ)和工作描述量表(簡稱JDI)為研究工具進行問卷調查。根據實際調查所蒐集之資料,分別以單因子多變項變異數分析,單因子變異數分析、積差相關等統計方法處理,結果發現: 一、行政人員工作滿意程度,以對同事的滿意程度最高,其次依序為升遷、上司、工作本身,而以薪資的滿意程度最低。 二、不同個人背景變項(如性別、學歷、職位、服務年資、年齡、婚姻、薪資、機構別)之行政人員在整體工作滿意或對工作層面上的滿意情形,有顯著差異。 三、不同領導型態下行政人員的工作滿意程度,在整體工作滿意或對工作層面上的滿意情形,有顯著差異。其中以領導者採取「高關懷高體制」的領導型態下的行政人員之工作滿意最高,其次是「高關懷低體制」、「低關懷高體制」,而以領導者採取「低關懷低體制」領導型態,其行政人員之工作滿意最低。 四、領導者之「關懷行為」、「體制行為」及「領導行為」(上述兩種行為之和),皆與「整體工作滿意」上的滿意程度,有顯著之相關。 基於研究結果,本研究提出下列建議,首先,在這兩個單位中,是屬於自主性較高的體育行政組織,領導者宜採高關懷高體制的領導型態。再者,應改善薪資結構、落實退撫制度,以提昇行政人員工作滿意程度。最後,行政人員應建立服務奉獻的工作信念,實現自我理想,使組織績效得以發揮。


The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between Leadership style and Job satisfaction of the administrative employees of athletic clubs of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee and senior high schols of the R.O.C. The subjects of the study were 35 administrative employees of athletic clubs of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee and senior high schools of the R.O.C. Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) and Job Descriptive Index (JDI) were used as the survey instruments. MANOVA, ANOVA and Product Moment correlation statistical methods were used to collect actual data. The results indicated that: 1.As for the Job satisfaction indexes of the administrative employees, the Collegues satisfaction index ranks first, followed by promotion, superior officials, and the job itself; salary satisfaction index is the lowest. 2.The administrative employees with different personal background(as gender, education, position, seniority, age, marital status, salary and structural variations)have evidently different overall or partial Job satisfaction. 3.The administrative employees with different Leadership style have evidently different overall or partial Job satisfaction index. Those who adopted ”high consideration, highly initiation” leadership style, have the highest job satisfaction index, and those who adopted ”high condiseration, low initiation”, ”low consideration, highly initiation” or ”low consideration, low initiation” leadership styles, have the lowest job satisfaction index. 4.The ”consideration behavior” leadership type, as well as the ”initiation behavior” and ”leadership behavior” types (the sum of these two types), are evidently related to ”overall job satisfaction” index. As the result of this study, thee following suggestions can be offered. First, the leaders of these two highly independent athletic administrative organizations should adopt ”high consideration, highly initiation” leadership style. Also, to promote the level of job satisfaction of the administrative employees, the salary system must be improved and the retirement plan must be implemented. And the last, the administrative employees should establish a job contributing belief and self-realization concept, so that to bring the organization's effectiveness into full play.


