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Reflection on coaches using corporal punishment as an intervention in teaching practical research: Examining the change of Chinese leadership and motivational climate


緒論:體罰在運動場域是一個敏感的議題,雖然教練講習會一再地宣導,但運動教練體罰的新聞時有所聞,因此現階段禁止體罰的教育訓練的效果值得釐清。有鑒於此,本研究以Bandura(1986, 2001)的社會認知論為架構,目的是對體育系的學生進行教練權威的知能教育,以反思教練權威的方式,在運動心理學課程進行一學期的教育介入,檢視上課同學的華人領導與動機氣候,以此來了解以禁止體罰為主題的教育介入之效果。方法:本研究是一契合教學實踐精神的實地研究,研究對象是28位北部某體育科系的運動心理學課程修課同學,以三個時間點施測,收集一次質性(心得報告)與三次量化(華人領導、動機氣候)資料。結果:質性資料顯示教練權威與體罰的文章閱讀,能夠刺激同學反思過去所接受的教練領導;量化資料顯示,在14週三次的變項測量,上課同學的華人領導與動機氣候有明顯的不同:華人領導的尚嚴、專權、仁慈、德行呈現上升,動機氣候的工作、表現氣候亦呈現上升。結論:反思個人學習經驗裡所經歷的體罰或高壓的教練權威,會升高同學對正向教練領導的看法,但也同時升高同學對負向教練領導的知覺。教練負向行為的防治,以宣導、強力宣示的方式企圖引發參與課程教練的反思,可能是不夠的;配合正向教練行為的指引與建議,才可能是讓教練的權威與控制,得以往朝向正向發揮而減少負向情況發生的完整教育訓練。


Introduction: Corporal punishment is a sensitive issue in sport. The Ministry of Education has announced a law that forbids using corporal punishment. However, the use of corporal punishment by physical educators has been identified by the press over time. One available approach to prevent corporal punishment is to educate student-athletes so they gain knowledge about corporal punishment and build the right attitude for teaching and training, and then, reduce its continuation when they retire as athletes and transition to coaching. Therefore, based on Bandura's (1986, 2001) social cognitive theory our authors sought to intervene with student-athletes during a semester, through a sport psychology lecture, and asked them to reflect on their experiences with coach authority. The intention was to examine and identify their change in Chinese leadership and motivational climate. Methods: This is a practitioner as researcher inquiry approach to research. Participants were 28 students in a university in North Taiwan. Both qualitative (in the form of an essay) and quantitative data were collected and analyzed. Results: The students' essays revealed that they were stimulated as they reflected on their experiences with their coaches' authority. The measure of Chinese leadership and motivational climate revealed that students changed their perception during the three times they were measured. In Chinese leadership, discipline, autocratic, benevolence, and moral leadership were increased. In motivational climate, both mastery and performance climates were increased. Conclusions: The results revealed that using the reflection in personal experience of coach authority and hierarchy increase both positive and negative coaching leadership. The results suggest refection in coaching authority is not sufficient to prevent coaches' corporal punishment. The guidance toward positivebehaviorisalsoneededtokeepcoaches' authority aligned withpositive athlete holistic development.


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