  • 期刊


Effect of post-exercise Carbohydrate Ingestion on Metabolic Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle an Oligonucleotide Microarray Analysis


目的:這次研究想了解運動後碳水化合物補充對人體骨骼肌代謝相關基因表現改變的效果。方法:六名受試者完成二種試驗處理,在完成單一次60分鐘70-75%攝氧量峰值(CO2 peak)運動後,分別禁食或補充碳水化合物,運動後第3小時,進行肌肉穿刺,肌肉樣本貯存於液態氮,待寡核糖核酸微陣列分析。結果:和運動後禁食比較,運動後碳水化合物補充後3小時人體骨骼肌肉基因表現,共有98個基因改變,其中57個基因增加表現,41個法因降低表現。結論:運動恢復期碳水化合物的補充,的確明顯改變人體骨骼肌肉代謝基因表現。


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand the effect of carbohydrate ingestion on metabolic gene expressions in human skeletal muscle during post-exercise recovery. Methods: Six subjects participated in two experimental trials. In one of the experimental trials, they ingested a high carbohydrate mixed meal immediately after a cycle ergometer for 60 minutes at 70-75% VO2 peak. In the other one, they were not allowed to eat for 3 hours after the same exercise protocol. The muscle samples of these subjects were obtained from vastus lateralis with a needle biopsy technique 3 hours later after exercise. These muscle samples were analyzed using the oligonucleotide microarray. Results: The result showed that the muscle samples from those who took a carbohydrate mixed meal had 57 genes up-regulated and 41 genes down-regulated compared to the samples from the fasting condition. Conclusion: The ingestion of a high carbohydrate mixed meal during post-exercise recovery was suggested to alter metabolic gene expressions in human skeletal muscle.


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