  • 期刊


Structural Equation Modeling with Item Parceling Method in Physical Education and Sport Research in Taiwan




Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the controversial practice of using parcels of items as manifest variables in structural equation modeling (SEM) procedures for physical education and sport research. Methods: Content analysis was applied to analyze research data that collected from top four prestigious Chinese journals published from Taiwan for the period of 2008~2012, including Journal of Physical Education in Higher Education, Physical Education Journal, Journal of TASSM and Bulletin of Sport and Exercise Psychology of Taiwan. Results: Thirty-three of 45 research articles with SEM that created item parcels in the test of model structural relationships between the latent variables and internal consistency approach was the most common method for parceling. Only 24.2 % papers reported the reason of using parcels, 48.5 % studies explicitly tested the dimensionality of the full item set, 21.2 % articles presented the reliability of parcels, and 11 (33.3 %) studies demonstrated the test of parceling normality in each research. In addition, some research used post modification indices to modify their proposed models. Conclusions: During 2008~2012, many research utilized item parceling in data analysis procedure, but lacked for reporting rational evidences to support their actions. Therefore, based on our findings of this study, the researchers provided a framework and recommendations for guiding researchers for improved use of parcels in SEM.


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