  • 期刊

不同FIFA 11神經肌肉熱身運動與長期訓練對足球選手運動表現及預防損傷之探討

The effect of different FIFA 11 neuromuscular warm-up exercises and long-term training on the performance and preventing injuries in football players


國際足球總會發展出各種FIFA11神經肌肉熱身運動系統,包含:FIFA 11、FIFA 11+及FIFA 11+KID'S。本文回顧各種FIFA 11神經肌肉熱身運動系統對不同年齡層足球運動員立即性及長期訓練與預防損傷影響。綜觀文獻結果發現,各種FIFA 11神經肌肉熱身對兒童運動員(14歲以下)立即性熱身效益之研究仍缺乏。兒童及青少年至少需6-10週(每週至少2-3天),成人至少需10-12週(每週至少3-5天)對下肢平衡、核心穩定、衝刺跑及垂直跳效益較大。雖然,長期訓練能降低下肢肌肉損傷,但是此效益仍不一致。因此,需考量以下因素:一、疲勞因素:熱身後至少休息10分鐘。二、訓練強度:建議成人運動員增加敏捷性及肌力動作強度。三、輔助訓練:建議成人運動員在每天足球訓練後再進行約10分鐘FIFA11+熱身輔助運動,透過以上建議可能提升更全面運動表現及運動傷害預防。


疲勞 動態伸展 肌肉損傷


The International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) have developed various FIFA 11 neuromuscular warm-up exercise programs such as FIFA 11, FIFA 11+, and FIFA 11+ KID'S for improving the performance of football players and preventing lower limb injuries. It reviewed and compared the acute and chronic effects of various FIFA 11 neuromuscular warm-up exercise programs on the training and preventing injuries of football players at different ages. The scientific evidence-based researches indicated that the related studies were still insufficient concerning the various FIFA 11 neuromuscular warm-up exercises on the acute benefits in children players (under 14 years old). Children and adolescents at least needed 6-10 weeks (2-3 days per week), adults required around 10-12 weeks (3-5 days per week) may contribute greater to lower limb balance, core stability, sprinting and vertical jump. At least 6 months and 2-3 days per week could reduce the lower-limb muscle impairment; however, such research results still remained inconsistent. Thus, it recommended that some vital factors should be considered in executing FIFA 11: 1. Fatigue: Take at least 10-minutes break after the following warm-up. 2. Intensity: Only adult athletes could increase agility and strength training intensity. 3. Auxiliary training: Only adult athletes may perform around 10-minute FIFA 11+ warm-up exercises after daily football training. It hoped that these suggestions above might not only enhance the comprehensive performance in sports but also prevent muscle impairment.


fatigue dynamic stretching muscle impairment


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