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Literature review of the application of compression garments to promote athletic performance and post-exercise recovery




Compression garments have became popular among consumers in recent years, not only professional athletes wear compression garments on the sports field, but also the general public often wear compression garments during exercise. However, the benefits of compression garments on sports remain to be elucidated by research evidence. In this paper, the physiological benefits of compression apparel on different types of exercise were summarized and classified into themes such as its immediate affects on sports performance and post-exercise recovery. The applicability to practical uses was also explored based on relevant experimental results. Most of the studies found no significant benefits of compression garments on sports performance. Moreover, the findings on the benefits of lower limb compression garments on post-exercise recovery are inconsistent, whereas consistent favorable effects were found on subjective delayed onset muscle soreness index. Of note, a critical issue to validate its use experimentally is that we could not objectively and accurately quantity and fix the pressure between compression garments and skin, which is a potential research topic to conduct for future studies on this perspective.


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