  • 期刊


The Edification of the Psychological Flexibility in the Study of Sports Psychology




In order to perform well, athletes need to have excellent physical condition, techniques, and mental strength. Specifically, athletes' adaptive and adjusting ability are core factors determining winning and losing when they are competing against the opponents with the same levels of physical condition and techniques. Recently, the concept and theory of psychological flexibility has been proposed in the field of psychology. The concept of psychological flexibility depicts the individual's ability of adaption and adjustment. However, the exploration of psychological flexibility in the field of sports psychology was relatively rare. Therefore, this article first introduced the definition and measurement of psychological flexibility, and then reviewed the findings from previously empirical research. Finally, this article also provides insights in terms of the application of psychological flexibility to the future studies in the field of sport psychology through the explanation of the influence of psychological flexibility on athletes' cognitions, affects, and behaviors.


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