  • 期刊


The Development of Sport Gender Equality after the Enforcement of Gender Equity Education Act


自美國教育修正法案Title IX成立,美國女性運動參與的狀況即大幅的改善,更間接促成全球重視女性在運動參與的公平與平等的訴求,臺灣於2004年頒佈性別平等教育法,此法的精神在於消除性別歧視並建立性別平等之教育資源與環境,根據此法的精神兩性運動平權理當受到該法的保護。目的:探討國內外男女性別運動平權的發展及性別平等教育法實施後的學校兩性運動平權發展狀況。方法:研究方法為文獻分析法。結果:結果顯示,在2004年「性別平等教育法」通過之後的六年,女性的運動參與情況還是低於男性,且兩性的運動參與差距還是未改善。在國小至大學各階段的運動代表隊參與方面,兩性雖然差距不大,但兩性的差距並沒有拉近,甚至在大學的階段有發現兩性差距有逐漸擴大的現象發生。在國小至大學各階段的兩性運動社團參與方面,兩性的差距也沒有縮小,兩性的差距大約在8%以上,甚至在高中與大學的部分發現兩性差距有漸漸擴大的狀況發生。結論:鑑於2004年「性別平等教育法」成立後,男女性別運動平權的情況並沒有改善,本研究建議:一、增加有關兩性運動平權的條文於性別平等教育法。二、鼓勵民間組織(團體)積極推廣兩性運動平權議題。三、消除運動性別刻板印象。四、提升運動結構裡的女性比例。五、設立企業贊助女性運動員的獎勵條款於運動產業發展條例。


Female participation in sports in the United States has been improving since Title IX was passed in 1972. After that, the issue of equality and fairness on female participation in sports was paid much attention globally. Taiwan government passed Gender Equality Education Act in 2004. The spirit of the law is to eliminate gender discrimination and provide equal educational opportunity and allocate equal educational resources for men and women. Based on the spirit of the law, sport gender equality should be protected by this law as well. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the development of sport gender equity in Taiwan and worldwide and to investigate the development of sport gender equity in educational system in Taiwan after the enactment of Gender Equality Education Act. Methods: Documentary analysis was adopted in this study. Results: The results found that female participation in sports had been lower than male and the gap between men and women in sports participation has not been improved since Gender Equality Education Act has been passed. In elementary school, middle school, high school, and college, the gap between men and women in the participation of sports clubs had not been narrowed. Even it has been discovered that the gap in collegiate level had been widened. Similarly, from elementary school to college, the gap between men and women in the participation of varsity sports had not been decreased. The gap at all levels reaches more than 8%, and the gap in both high school and collegiate level had been widened. Conclusions: Since Gender Equality Education Act was passed, the imbalance of female participation in sports has not been improved. Therefore, the suggestions are given as followed: (1) to add policies about sports gender equality in Gender Equality Education Act, (2) to encourage social organizations or groups to advocate sports gender equality, (3) to eliminate gender stereotypic impression on sport, (4) to raise the ratio of female members in sports structure, and (5) to adjust reward policies for corporations that sponsor women sports in Sports Industry Development Regulation.


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