  • 期刊


Self-talk in the Context of Exercise: Theory and Development for Future Research




Past studies on self-talk mainly focused on competitive sports. Very few study to talk about exercise self-talk. However, participation in exercise can also be greatly improved with self-talk included (1) improve skill learning; (2) establish self-confidence and self-efficacy; (3) maintain persistence; and (4) create and change the fitness of emotional state. The theory of self-talk related to (1) attention theory; (2) information processing; (3) self-efficacy theory; (4) verbal theory of self-regulation; and (5) imagery. Hardy (2006) indicated that self-efficacy theory seem to be most related to self-talk. Currently, research on self-talk in the field of exercise can be traced back to 2001 with a study by Gammage, Hardy and Hall where classifications for exercisers' self-talk, were derived directly from the content within and variance in self-talk content between scenarios of exercise and of competitive sports were not investigated further. Other than further examination of past research on self-talk in aforementioned scenarios, the present study also suggests that future research could focus on gaining a deeper understanding of exercisers' self-talk, as well as on the development of relevant scales with the intention of applying self-talk during fitness exercise for its beneficial results.


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