  • 期刊


Project to Improve FloTrac Cognition and Skill Accuracy in Nurses Working in the Intensive Care Unit




Background & Problems: FloTrac is used to monitor hemodynamics in patients. Insufficient awareness of and inexperience with this machine put patients at risk. Purpose: A project was developed to increase FloTrac cognitive accuracy from 57.6% to 85% and skill accuracy from 73.3% to 91% in ICU nurses. Also, FloTrac installation time was intended to be reduced to less than 8 minutes and 38 seconds. Resolution: Create a pithy, easy-to-remember formula; make operation teaching videos, operation manuals, and reminder cards; arrange educational training; and monitor quality regularly. Results: FloTrac cognitive accuracy increased from 57.6% to 90.4%; FloTrac skill accuracy increased from 73.3% to 99.7%; and installation time was shortened from 8 minutes and 38 seconds to 5 minutes and 42 seconds. Conclusions: After implementation of the project, nurses improved their professional knowledge and were better able to help doctors obtain hemodynamic data efficiently to provide patients with accurate and rapid treatment.


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