  • 期刊


Difficulties and Policy Recommendations Related to the Deployment of Long-Term Care Resources in Taiwan's Indigenous Areas




Changes in the demographic structure in Taiwan have increased the need for long-term care (LTC). Person-centered and community-based care is being advocated. The need to address the specific LTC needs of Taiwan's indigenous peoples has been a part of national LTC policy since National Long-term Care Plan 2.0 was adopted in 2015. The provision of LTC services and the deployment of related resources in indigenous areas generally lag behind Taiwan's other areas. Potential reasons for this disparity include lack of in-charge, dedicated units; exclusive use of normative service models in indigenous areas; and conflict between talent cultivation and rooted development. Future policy should focus more on providing cultural care in indigenous areas and on offering more flexible and diversified development possibilities. The implementation of these policies may promote the development of LTC and the successful deployment of LTC resources in Taiwan's indigenous regions.


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