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Demographic Variables, Perceived Work Stress, and Job Satisfaction as Predictors of Organizational Commitment in Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic


背景:組織承諾是護理師對於醫院目標及願景感到認同,並願意積極投入工作與繼續留任。目的:探討COVID-19疫情期間護理師基本特性、工作壓力、工作滿意度預測組織承諾之研究。方法:採橫斷式研究設計,經南部一家醫院相關單位主管同意由院內系統通知同仁進行網路問卷調查189位護理師,採「醫院員工照顧COVID-19病人壓力量表」、「穆勒-麥克勞斯基工作滿意度量表」及「組織承諾量表」等結構式問卷。結果:在醫院防疫過程中,自覺社會支持度及工作滿意度為護理師組織承諾的重要預測因子,可解釋組織承諾總變異量47%,F(17,171)=8.79, p<.001)。護理師工作壓力感受總分平均為48.3(SD=15.4),屬中度以上壓力,有子女、大學以上及月收入所得7萬以上之護理師工作滿意度及組織承諾較高。結論/實務應用:本研究結果為醫院管理者提供訊息,在高傳染疾病防疫期間提高護理師自覺社會支持度及工作滿意度,將有助於增強護理師的組織承諾,減少防疫期間護理師人力流失,期使護理師能主動真誠的奉獻和投入,俾利醫院發揮組織功能以達到有效防疫。


Background: Organizational commitment, defined in nursing as the degree to which nurses identify with the goals and direction of their hospital, affects the willingness of nurses to participate actively in work tasks. Purpose: This study was designed to explore the predictive value of demographic variables, perceived work stress, and job satisfaction with regard to organizational commitment in nurses. Method: This cross-sectional study used an internet survey that included the Stress Scale on COVID-19 Patient Care, McCloskey/Mueller Satisfaction Scale, and Organizational Commitment Scale to collect data from 189 nurses at a hospital in southern Taiwan. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS/Window 22.0. Results: Societal support and job satisfaction were identified as the most significant predictors of organizational commitment during the COVID-19 pandemic, explaining 47% of the total variance in organizational commitment (F [17, 171] = 8.79, p < .001). Level of perceived work stress averaged 48.3 (SD = 15.4), which is slightly higher than the median, and was highest among the participants who were married and had young children. The stress was mainly associated with social isolation. Those participants with a bachelor's degree or higher, a monthly income > NT$70,000, or with children reported relatively higher levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Conclusion/Implications for Practice: The results provide a valuable guide to hospital management. To strengthen the organizational commitment and work dedication of nurses and to minimize pandemic-related staff attrition hospital management should work to ensure their nurses receive sufficient societal support and are satisfied with their jobs.


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