  • 期刊


Retrospective Review and Analysis of the Results of Taiwan Nurses Association Nursing Projects from 2004 to 2005


Although a nursing project is one of the important N4 professional competence training courses in the clinical ladder system, little research on its effectiveness can be found. This study therefore aimed to analyze the demographics, hospital characteristics, scores, and pass rates for the Taiwan Nurses Association's 2004 to 2005 nursing projects and to compare the differences between them. The design was retrospective content analysis and the data sources were nursing project reviewer sheets from the years 2004 and 2005. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, such as number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Chi-square test, or Fisher exact test. We analyzed 1,062 nursing projects. Of these, 423 projects had third reviewers. After that, 2,547 reviewer sheets were used as final samples. The average project score was 59.7 points (SD=9.3 points) and the majority of the projects were categorized as administrative and from medical centers, or private hospitals in northern areas of Taiwan. The pass rate was found to be higher in public hospitals, however, than in private hospitals. Almost all the projects (n=2,515; 98.7%) included reviewers' comments. There was no significant difference between project pass rate and clinical specialty, scope, hospital location, and level of hospital accreditation (p>.05). A significant difference was found, however, between project scores and hospital characteristics (p=.01). These findings may serve as references in the development of future requirements for nursing projects in the clinical ladder system, to improve the quality and quantity of such projects.


護理專案 審查意見 通過率


Although a nursing project is one of the important N4 professional competence training courses in the clinical ladder system, little research on its effectiveness can be found. This study therefore aimed to analyze the demographics, hospital characteristics, scores, and pass rates for the Taiwan Nurses Association's 2004 to 2005 nursing projects and to compare the differences between them. The design was retrospective content analysis and the data sources were nursing project reviewer sheets from the years 2004 and 2005. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, such as number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Chi-square test, or Fisher exact test. We analyzed 1,062 nursing projects. Of these, 423 projects had third reviewers. After that, 2,547 reviewer sheets were used as final samples. The average project score was 59.7 points (SD=9.3 points) and the majority of the projects were categorized as administrative and from medical centers, or private hospitals in northern areas of Taiwan. The pass rate was found to be higher in public hospitals, however, than in private hospitals. Almost all the projects (n=2,515; 98.7%) included reviewers' comments. There was no significant difference between project pass rate and clinical specialty, scope, hospital location, and level of hospital accreditation (p>.05). A significant difference was found, however, between project scores and hospital characteristics (p=.01). These findings may serve as references in the development of future requirements for nursing projects in the clinical ladder system, to improve the quality and quantity of such projects.


nursing project reviewer comments pass rate


