  • 期刊


Factors Related to Sexual Dysfunction in Patients with Cervical Cancer


背景 相較其他婦癌病人,子宮頸癌病人更易出現性生活方面的困擾,然而台灣卻鮮少研究探索此議題。 目的 本研究旨在探討子宮頸癌病人之性功能障礙及其相關因素。 方法 採橫斷性相關研究設計,並以方便取樣於北台灣某醫學中心收集105名子宮頸癌病人進行調查。結構式問卷包含人口學屬性、疾病特性與中文版女性性功能指標量表。 結果 調查發現,子宮頸癌病人常出現性疼痛方面之困擾。其中低教育程度(國中以下)、年齡愈長、無宗教信仰,以及無接受過性諮商輔導之子宮頸癌病人出現較明顯的性功能障礙,可解釋變異量為54.60%。 結論 研究結果除有助於了解子宮頸癌病人常見之性功能障礙問題,醫護人員更可依此研究結果,判別性功能障礙之潛在個案,以提早介入治療,增進性生活愉悅。


Background: Cervical cancer impacts upon the sex lives of its victims in ways that are more profound than other gynecological cancers. However, no research on sexual dysfunction issues in cervical cancer patients has previously been conducted in Taiwan. Purpose: The purposes of this study were to explore sexual dysfunction and related factors in patients diagnosed with cervical cancer. Methods: The study used a cross-sectional correlation design with a convenience sampling method to recruit 105 patients from a medical center in Northern Taiwan. The structured questionnaire used in this study gathered data on respondent demographics and disease characteristics, and included a Chinese version of the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) scale. Results: Respondents noted significant levels of pain triggered by cervical cancer. Lower level of education (below the 9th grade), increased age, lack of religious affiliation and absence of counseling prior to or during therapy were associated with significantly lower sexual dysfunction scores. These factors accounted for 54.60% of variance in sexual dysfunction. Conclusion: Our findings should assist healthcare providers to better understand sexual dysfunction in cervical cancer patients, detect those with higher predispositions toward such, and prescribe appropriate rehabilitation therapies to improve sexual enjoyment.


