  • 期刊


The Practical Difficulties in Indigenous Community Health Work: The Perspective of a Non-Governmental Organization Worker


背景 許多非政府組織常駐原鄉進行社區健康工作,故深入探討其社區工作者在原住民部落所曾遇到的實務問題,例如人情壓力、長期經費不足等等,才可以改進社區工作的策略和方法,並增進原住民社區健康。 目的 希望瞭解台灣的非政府組織工作人員在原住民部落從事社區健康工作中所遇到的問題。 方法 本研究包含24個非政府組織的31位社區工作者。採質性深度訪談,第一次訪談時間是在2005年七月到九月;之後有7位受訪者在2006年八月到九月進行第二次訪談。分析方法採用內容分析法進行分析。 結果 社區工作者所遇到的問題有:身為內部者的壓力、社區宗教對於社區工作者的影響、社區政治角力的派系問題、公部門或贊助機構對於社區工作目標不同產生的矛盾。 結論 非政府組織社區工作者在原住民社區中要運用靈活的技巧與多層的人際關係連結,讓社區工作延續下去。地方公部門、非政府組織與社區之間必須相互合作,讓社區工作可以充分發揮與永續經營。


Background: A large number of non-governmental organization (NGO) workers work with ethnic indigenous (Malayo-Polynesian) Taiwanese. Therefore, understanding the difficulties and related practical issues frequently encounteredby NGO workers in the course of such work is necessary. Purpose: This study was designed to understand the challenges faced by NGO community workers who work with indigenous groups in Taiwan. Methods: In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with 24 NGO and 31 community-based workers. The first interview tranche was conducted between July and September 2005, with all subjects interviewed. The second, conducted from August to September 2006, held an additional interview session with seven selected workers. Content analysis was used to analyze interview data. Results: Main work-related challenges noted by subjects included the pressures of being an insider, the influence of religious groups, competing political party politics and goal conflicts among local governments, NGOs, and communities. Conclusion: Indigenous communities have their distinctive histories and cultures. NGO community workers should utilize in as flexible a manner as possible the various available resources and social connections to achieve community work goals. Cooperation among local governments, NGOs and communities is a must in order to achieve community work goals.


Kui Kasirisir(2016)。我的部落你好嗎?談部落/族群與我的健康關係護理雜誌63(3),18-24。https://doi.org/10.6224/JN.63.3.18
