  • 期刊


The Context and Current Status of Broadcasting Aid in Japan' Official Development Assistance


日本自二戰以來長期向開發中國家提供經濟援助,而廣播電視作為經濟、社會基礎建設的一環,也是日本政府開發援助(official development assistance, ODA)的重點項目。本文對日本廣電ODA的發展提出三個階段。一是1950~1970年的萌芽期,其特徵在於日本藉戰後賠償之際,一邊官方與民間共同合作向亞洲輸出廣電基礎設施、擴大電子工業出口,一邊又協助美國在亞洲的冷戰布局;二是1970~1990年代這段廣電ODA從案件發掘、屬性分類、資源調度到結案的制度化時期。而參與者以外務省、總務省、經濟產業省官僚與國際協力機構為首,邀集日本放送協會、電話通訊公司、相關民間法人、顧問公司、電器製造廠與貿易商等共同合作。90年代起更結合日本民間放送聯盟共同推動影視內容輸出,擴大日本大眾文化商品流通國際的利基;三是2000年至今,除延續至今的廣電ODA工作,更重要的是結合民間的多元業種,共同在傳遞日本文化上貢獻力量。這種稱為ALL JAPAN的全方位行銷,試圖讓日本各產業皆能受惠於文化交流的的果實。而另一方面,日本也隨著區域衝突頻發下國際組織的人道主義需求,增訂了廣電ODA在衝突後的和平建構、大型天災後的播出工作,以及女性的社會參與等應扮演的關鍵角色;進一步在全球安全保障層次中提升日本的軟實力。


Since the Second World War, Japan has provided economic assistance to developing countries. A component of economic and social infrastructures, radio and television broadcast has been a focal item of official development assistance (ODA) provided by the Japanese government. This study divided the Japanese radio and television broadcast ODA development into three stages. (a) 1950-1970: The feature of this stage was that the Japanese government exported radio and television broadcast infrastructure facilities to Asian countries through public and public sector collaboration and expanded its electronic industry exports during the post-war compensation period. During this stage, Japan also helped the US government's deployment in Asia during the Cold War; (b) 1970-1990: The radio and television broadcast ODA during this period is systemized into case discovery, attribute classification, resource allocation, and case conclusion. The main participants were officers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, and Japan International Cooperation Agency. Joint collaboration from Japan Broadcasting Corporation, telecommunication companies, related private-sector organizations, consulting companies, electronics appliance manufacturers, and trading companies was urged. Since the 1990s, the Japan Commercial Broadcasters Association has joined the mission of promoting the export of films and television content and increasing the circulation of Japan's popular cultural products; (c) 2000 to present day: In addition to the continuous radio and television broadcast ODA tasks, multiple industries in the private sector have contributed to the transmission of Japanese culture. ALL JAPAN, a comprehensive marketing strategy, is aimed to facilitate all industries in Japan in benefitting from the fruition of cultural exchanges. Moreover, in response to the humanitarianism demand of international organizations under frequent regional conflicts, the aid provided in the domain of foreign broadcasting service helps bolster other causes, including post-conflict peace building, restoring broadcasting service after large-scale natural disasters, and facilitating women's social participation. Through these efforts, Japan seeks to enhance its soft power by promoting global security and protecting its national interests.


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