  • 期刊


Performing Authenticity: Case Studies of Ethnic Restaurants in Taipei




族裔經濟 族群再現 族群認同 遷徙 道地


This paper explores how cuisines emphasizing ethnic flavors and featuring the major ethnic groups in Taiwan are constructed and commercialized, while also discussing the performing strategies people use to sell these "authentic flavors." Based on previous studies, the authors show how the authenticity of ethnic food forms arenas of nostalgic diaspora, sites of flavor differentiation, and the everyday nodal points for trans-border exchanges that respectively align with cultural, economic, and societal functions. Still, given the commercial aims of the restaurants selling ethnic cuisines, strategies to perform authenticity tend to strengthen particular ethnic images while revealing that ethnic delineations are not stable. The authors conclude that further research on the "use of authenticity" is required for people to understand the complicated food landscape gradually formed during ethnic migration and food exchanges.


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