  • 期刊


Corruption Prevention must Takes Politics, Punishment, Morality, and Rites




廉政 廉正 道德教育


1. A modern state's government functionaries are comprised of civil official and military staff. This is the most basic element of modern governmental organization. Therefore, a military person also carries the status of government functionary and is subject to the essential requirement of integrity, sincerity, and justice. 2. Chapter 'Hsueh Chi' (學記, on teaching) of Li Chi: Book of Rites says, "When The kings establishing states and governing the people, made instruction and schools a primary object..." According to Chapter 'Weizheng' (為政, political ethics) of Analects of Confucius: "If the people be led by laws, and uniformity sought to be given them by punishment, they will try to avoid the punishment, but have no sense of shame; If they be led by virtue, and uniformity sought to be given them by the rules of propriety, they will have sense of shame, and moreover will become good." Therefore, for a public servant, justice begets brightness and integrity begets awe. Yet, justice and integrity can by no means be regulated by law alone. 3. Preliminary Calculations (始計) of Sun Tzu's the Art of War "The generalship may be the character of one who leading the military forces or troop with intelligence, trustworthiness, benevolence, courage, and sternness." Cultivation of the integrity of character takes the highest priority for generalship. Yet, it takes time to accomplish moral education. Consequently, integrity of character takes prime concern in education of military officers; qualities of self-inspection, self-discipline, self-esteem, and self-respect should be strengthened and moral model should be established and praised.
