  • 期刊


Daoist Landscape Art in the Late Yuan and Early Ming: The Relationship of Fang Congyi and Daoist Landscape Art




道教 方從義 龍虎山 山水畫


Around the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties, Longhu Mountain advocated a style of Daoist art. Fang Congyi was both a Daoist priest of Longhu Mountain and a famous painter at that time. This article analyzes the context of the poems, essays, paintings, etc. left behind by Fang Congyi's related figures, and reveals the image of Fang Congyi in the 14th century from these narratives. Although Fang Congyi has few works left, we can still outline his life, Daoist practices and artistic creation from the works of scholars he communicated with, and show the importance of Jiangnan landscape art in Daoists and literati social network in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties. The depictions of these landscapes are mostly in Jiangxi, Zhejiang, and Fujian, showing the characteristics and humanistic features of the sacred mountains in the south of the Yangtze River in the 14th century. They contain a large number of religious visions of nature, giving nature profound and superior spiritual narratives and images. Fang Congyi was a representative of Daoist art from the 13th to 15th centuries, and he formed a unique artistic style and an aesthetic style on the southern coast.


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