  • 期刊


Ascertaining the Reliability and Validity of Freudian Art-Related Theories


佛洛伊德之精神分析學派可謂一般人最爲熟悉的心理學理論。他所提出的潛意識、性原欲、以及本我自我超我人格等理論,都成爲眾所周知的心理學名詞。在藝術領域上,佛洛伊德根據潛意識理論而建構起來,用以解釋藝術創作動機、靈感、藝術內容與藝術欣賞的藝術相關理論,也成爲藝術心理學中的代表性重要學說。然而在現代心理學崛起後,精神分析學派已經急遽沒落。在美國心理學會中,目前仍舊關注精神分析學派的成員僅餘其中的一成。相較之下,藝術界仍然奉佛洛伊德的藝術理論爲經典,許多探討藝術活動心理歷程的文獻仍然不約而同地大費篇幅介紹此一學說,似乎認爲該學說確實反映真實一般。 鑑於現代心理學研究幾乎已與精神分析學派無涉之事實,研究者猜測其理論必有嚴重不足之處,否則應不致出現昔日赫赫而今日涼涼之景況。若然,則奠基於此學派的佛洛伊德藝術相關理論,恐亦出現眾多脫誤與不足取之處。因此乃進行研究,爲以檢驗此一學說之信度與效度。 經研究發現:潛意識理論一方面有其內外部邏輯錯誤,二方面不符合近代心理學實徵研究的發現,三方面無法應對波普「可證偽性原理」的檢驗,因此以科學角度觀之,明顯說服力不足。而在其藝術相關理論上,除了包含上述諸多謬誤外,其以「力必多」解釋藝術創作驅力、以性原欲之隱示表現理解藝術內容之假設,與傳統美學相較,不但缺乏預測能力、也不符合「節約原則」。此外其以潛意識解釋「靈感」之舉,亦違背近代認知心理學的「蔓延激發」實驗證據。總上所述,研究者歸納佛氏之理論對於理解藝術活動之心理歷程,可謂障礙多於助益,殊不足取。 根據研究結果,研究者建議,吾人不應繼續以佛氏之理論解釋藝術創作、藝術欣賞、與藝術內容,亦不應繼續介紹此一學說。


Although largely abandoned by academicians and practitioners, psychoanalysis as propounded by Sigmund Freud over 70 years ago remains, among the general population, the most widely known school of psychology. Its theories of the unconscious mind and sexual desire (libido) are still part of popular culture today. Despite losing its inf1uence in the field of psychology, psychoanalysis and its derivative Freudian art-related theories continue to occupy a preeminent position in the academia of arts. This is a strange phenomenon indeed. Since contemporary psychological research has very Iittle to do with the psychoanalysis, we might conclude Freud's theory structure was seriously flawed. If this assumption were proved to be correct, we would expect to uncover serious flaws Freud's art-related theories as well. According to our research, we found that psychoanalysis and its derivative art-related theories are indeed fatally flawed. First, some of these theories have internal and external logical errors. Second, some of their hypotheses do not agree with the latest psychology research findings. Third, the Freudian theory structure does not conform to the so-called ”falsifiability criterion”, which contemporary scientific research requires. Fourth, by comparison with common aesthetics, Freudian art-related theories are farther from the ”parslmony principle”. Thus, we are able to conc1ude that Freudian art-related theories are not effective in explaining and predicting artistic processes. Accordingly, our research suggests that the academia of arts should not regard psychoanalysis and Freudian art-related theories as authoritative in the interpretation of the artistic process.


Freud unconscious libido art creating


鄭迺蓁(2017)。胎變-儀式性療癒空間 鄭迺蓁立體裝置創作論述〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-0401201815562892
