  • 期刊


The Impact of Service-learning Attitudes on Caring Minority Groups for College Students: The Moderating Effect of Online Social Caring Connections




This study focused on the college students' attitude toward service learning on the perceptions about minority caring and helping intentions, and explored the moderating effects of social caring minority groups on this relationship. This study examined the influencing factors and moderating effect of college students' attitudes toward service-learning and caring minority groups by survey. The questionnaire consisted of three factors, including service-learning attitudes, caring minority groups, and online social caring connections. The researchers employed partial least squares to analyze the sample data, and testing interaction effect and statistical significance with the moderating factor. The results indicated college students' perceptions about the online social caring interactions and community connections moderated their attitudes toward the relationship of service-learning practices and caring or improving the social situations of minority groups. The college students with the lower scores of online social caring connections had the positive preferences about practical objectives and instructions of service-learning activities, and helped their considerations about the unfair and unequal situations for minority groups to improve their disadvantaged status.


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