  • 期刊


Narrating a Video Story in Three- to Six-Year-Olds: Story Comprehension and Story Retelling


本研究目的主要是探究三~六歲學齡前幼兒在影片故事重述的歷程中,訊息接收、故事理解與故事重述三者的年齡發展,以及三者之間的相關性。本研究對象為25 名三~六歲的學齡前幼兒,先讓參與幼兒觀看卡通故事影片並立即敘述,之後再進行故事重述與理解問題的回答,藉由上述表現來進行訊息接收、故事理解與故事重述分析。研究結果顯示,訊息接收、故事理解和故事重述能力在不同年齡層間有顯著差異,五歲組與六歲組的表現顯著優於三歲組,而訊息接收、故事理解與故事重述三者之間亦有顯著正相關。三~六歲學齡前幼兒在故事重述表現中,提及事件與結果之故事結構元素最多,其次則是嘗試與內在計畫。針對研究結果,本文進行討論並在文末提出結論與未來研究建議。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of and relationship among information received, story comprehension, and story retelling abilities in three- to six-year-old preschool children in a video story retelling task. Twenty-five three- to six-year-old children were asked to watch a short cartoon video and the children's performance in story comprehension and story-telling during and after the video were analyzed. The results revealed that five- and six-year-old children had significantly better abilities in information received, story comprehension and story retelling than three-year-old children. Children's performance in information received, story comprehension, and story retelling were also found to be significantly interrelated. Besides, structural elements of initiating events and consequences occurred most frequently in story retelling. Discussion about the results and suggestions for future research are provided.


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