  • 期刊

Effects of a Remedial Program on Beginner-Level, Low-Achieving EFL Learners



Bridging the achievement gap among learners and maximizing the effectiveness of instruction have attracted significant research attention; however, very few studies have focused on developing a systematic remedial program, particularly for beginner-level EFL learners. Hence, this study first proposed a remedial program to develop the language component skills of low-achieving beginner-level EFL learners. Subsequently, the program's effect on low-achieving learners' vocabulary and grammar was measured. Finally, the study provided an overview of the remedial program's characteristics, highlighting its instructional methods and materials, teaching procedures, activity designs, and approaches for enhancing learner engagement. This study recruited 11 teachers and 567 grade 7 students from six junior high schools in Taiwan. Two subtests, DCEC-Vocabulary Size and DCEC-Grammar of the Diagnosis and Certification of English Competency (DCEC) system, were conducted on all 567 seventh-graders. In total, 117 grade 7 students who failed to reach the grade 4 level were assigned into an experimental and a control group. The experimental group (N = 56) received experimental instruction, whereas the control group (N = 61) received traditional instruction. The study results indicated that the seventh-graders who received experimental remedial instruction demonstrated better English component skills, including better vocabulary and familiarity with grammatical sentence patterns, compared with students who received traditional instruction for remediation. The current study provided a model remedial program by delineating the implementation of remedial instruction for low-achieving beginner-level EFL learners. The proposed remedial program can serve as a model to facilitate the work of practitioners, researchers, curriculum designers, and policymakers.




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Tsui-Chun Hu、Tzu-Yang Chao、Wei-Hong Yang、Yu-Chun Lien(2023)。Enhancing the Grammatical Competence of Middle-School EFL Low-Achievers Through a Progressive English Syntax Teaching Program教育心理學報55(1),153-179。https://doi.org/10.6251/BEP.202309_55(1).0007
