  • 期刊


Political Conspiracy and Traumatizing Effects of War: The Battle against Sun Dien-ying in 1934


一九三三年六月,國民政府任命華北軍第九軍團總指揮孫殿英為青海西區屯墾督辦,孫乃率部自察哈爾省西行至綏遠省的西部暫駐。一九三四年一月十一日,孫軍違反國府中央的命令,大舉進攻寧夏,與寧夏省政府主席馬鴻逵所部展開激戰。青海省政府主席馬麟、甘肅綏靖主任、省政府主席朱紹良,均派軍隊至寧夏協同寧軍作戰。戰事至三月二十二日結束,孫軍敗潰,殘部退回綏西,為晉綏軍繳械改編,是為「拒孫之役」。 綜觀是役綠起、過程和善後,政治權謀充斥其間,孫殿英以及相關的軍政人士,如蔣中正、閻錫山、馮玉祥、朱紹良、馬鴻逵、馬麟等,各逞心機,各有盤算。此外,此役除了造成兩方官兵的傷亡,帶給寧夏、綏遠兩省人民的傷害和創痛既深且鉅,財物等的損失,亦甚可觀。本文嘗試根據《蔣中正總統檔案》、《閻故責政錫山遺存檔案》、《包頭日報》等多種資料,將拒孫之役及上述各情形予以系統化的呈現,並加以分析評論。


孫殿英 拒孫之役 孫軍 聯軍 晉綏軍


In June 1933, the National Government appointed Sun Dien-ying (孫殿英) as West Chinghai Settlement Governor, who was then the Chief Commander of the Ninth Group Army of the North China Troop. Having accepted the assignment, Sun and his troops marched westward from Chahar Province and stationed in the west of Suiyüan Province. On January 11, 1934, disregarding orders from the Central Government, Sun launched a large-scale attack against the Ningsia Army which was under the leadership of Ma Hong-kui (馬鴻逵), Chairman of the Ningsia provincial government. Both Ma Ling (馬麟), Chairman of the Chinghai provincial government, and Chu Shao-liang (朱紹良), Kansu Pacification Commissioner and Chairman of the Kansu provincial government, sent troops to Ningsia, to fight alongside the Ningsia Army against Sun's troops. This battle lasted until March 22. In the end, Sun's troops were defeated, and the survivors withdrew to the west of Suiyuan Province and were later incorporated into Shansi and Suiyuan Army. In general, analyzing the cause and the outcome of this battle, it can be found that political conspiracy dominated the entire event. Sun Dien-ying and each of the involved military-political leaders, such as Chiang Kai-shek, Yen His-shan (閻錫山) Feng Yü-hsiang (馮玉祥), Chu Shao-liang, Ma Hong-kui, and Ma Ling, was racking his brain in order to obtain maximum benefits from this battle. On the other hand, this battle caused a large number of casualties, considerable economic loss and substantial suffering in the involved provinces. This paper analyzes and comments on the battle against Sun Dien-ying, based on mainly Achives of President Chiang Kai-shek (《將中正總統檔案》), Archives of Yen His-shan (《閻故資政錫山遺存檔案》), and the Paot'ou Daily News (《包頭日報》).


Billingsley, Richard Philip(1974).Banditry in China, 1911 to 1928, with Particular Reference to Henan Province.


