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A Discussion on Hui Shiqi and His Ritual Study from the Perspective of 〞Han-Song Learning〞 in the Early Qianlong Era





惠士奇 禮學 三禮館 吳派學人 方苞


This article aims to describe and analyze the academic life of Hui Shiqi, a senior Wu Scholar, and to argue that 〞Han Learning〞 (Hanxue) and Wu school hadn't achieved its prosperity in the first year of the reign of Qianlong (1736-1795) Emperor in the Qing dynasty. After struggling with calamities in most of his life, Hui became a member of the Sanli Commission in his later years. In 1736, Hui participated in the writing and editing works of Commentaries on the Three Books on Rites (Sanli Yishu). However, Hui made little contribution to the Commission's work, since few colleagues approved of his research methods. Fang Bao, one of directors of the Sanli Commission, held different views from Hui's about the study of Zhouli. Hence, Hui was excluded from the compiling work of Zhouli Yishu. Hui's research on Ritual Study demonstrated some characteristics of Hanxue, such as knowledgeability and philology. Unfortunately, Hui's attitude towards Ritual Study was not accepted by his colleagues. Few of his rough draft of Yili Yishu were adopted in Sanli Yishu. In 1740, Hui left the Sanli Commission. He died two years later. In 1744, his son Hui Dong put forward a demand of developing Hanxue, and became an influential scholar in the Qianlong academia.


宋・朱熹,《儀禮經傳通解》,朱傑人、嚴佐之、劉永翔主編,《朱子全書》第 2冊,上海:上海古籍出版社,合肥:安徽教育出版社,2002。
清・惠士奇,《禮說》,《叢書集成三編》第 24 冊,臺北:新文豐出版公司,1997,據嘉慶上海彭霖蘭陔書屋本影印。
