  • 期刊

臺灣地區國民旅遊消費型態與相關影響因素之研究-Two-Stage Tobit估計法

Analyzing the Determinants of Travel Expenditure Patterns for Domestic Travel in Taiwan: A Two-Stage Tobit Approach


自1998年起實施隔週休二日,促使國人國內旅遊需求之增加,每逢週休假日各處旅遊景點遊客蜂擁而至,帶動旅遊相關產業的投資,唯國人之每人每次旅遊消費額並未見同等成長。因此觀察個人旅遊消費支出型態有助於了解個人旅遊消費支出結構與國內旅遊業的成長及發展潛力。本研究即利用2005年交通部觀光局的「國人旅遊狀況調查」資料,研究之樣本數為15,441人,鑑於國人旅遊自行規劃行程者佔整體樣本之87.3%,遂以two-stage Tobit估計法深入分析影響自行規劃行程者之各項旅遊消費支出的影響因素。研究結果顯示:(一)各項旅遊消費型態中觀察值為零之比率差異頗大,致使影響各項旅遊消費支出的因素與程度亦不一,如職業變項對總旅遊消費與交通費,月收入變項對總旅遊消費與餐飲費均達顯著影響,卻各自對娛樂費與其他費用無顯著影響效果;(二)個人社會經濟因素中之職業與月收入,旅遊行為因素中之旅遊目的、旅遊天數與住宿地點則是同時影響總旅遊消費與多項旅遊消費支出最為重要的變項,至於12歲以下孩子隨行與否、旅遊同伴與季節因素在不同的旅遊消費型態下卻出現正負不同的影響效果。


The implementation of a two weekends off in a month policy since 1998 has led to an ever-increasing demand in domestic travel whenever there is a long vacation or a long weekend. Scenic spots are always filled with tourists, and this encourages investment in related industries. However, the average spending per person per trip and the number of domestic trips have not displayed a corresponding growth. Therefore, it is necessary to observe individual travel spending patterns not only to understand the structure of individual travel spending and willingness to pay but also to help plan operations for the travel industry. Based on data collected from the Domestic Travel Survey of 2005 by the Bureau of Tourism, this study focused on a sample of about 15,441 Taiwanese residents. Given the fact that domestic independent travelers accounted for 87.3% of the whole sample, we used a two-stage Tobit approach to examine the effect of personal characteristics on the domestic travel expenditure pattern in Taiwan. The research results show that the ratio of zero expenditures to various travel expenditure patterns revealed a large difference that has effects on the probability and the level of various travel expenditure patterns. For example, there was no relation between occupation and transportation expenditure, between region and transportation expenditure, region and lodging expenditure, and region and food expenditure. Further, there was also no relation between travel season and total travel expenditure, travel season and transportation, and travel season and shopping expenditure. The results also reveal that among socioeconomic and travel-related characteristics, the variables of occupation, income level, travel purpose, duration of stay, and place of lodging were significant factors in explaining the relationship between total travel expenditure and other travel expenditure patterns. Moreover, the effect of the variables, which include children in the party, the travel party size, and travel season, on various travel expenditure patterns can either be positive or negative.




陳恒祥(2015)。國外觀光旅遊消費之區間迴 歸模型分析〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614032298
