  • 期刊


A Research on the Intentional Blindness of Media Audiences against Advertising




To achieve the ultimate sales goal, commercial advertisement is designed to attract the attention of the audience and make the audience understand the content of the product or service. However, due to the limitation of attention, people cannot pay attention to too many things at the same time. "Intentional Blindness" refers to the phenomenon that people ignore ordinary, frequent, repetitive, periodic or uninteresting events. Media audiences often turn a blind eye to the occurrence of advertisements without paying attention, or even avoid watching them. This is a kind of phenomenon of intentional blindness. Therefore, in order to achieve the expected commercial benefits, it is necessary to understand the audience's psychology and behavior in order to design advertisements and plan exposure strategies. This article aims to explore the audience's phenomenon of Intentional Blindness to advertising through the study of the YouTube platform. There are three main advertising types of Youtube, including "overlay advertisements", "skippable video advertisements" and "non-skippable video advertisements". This study found that when the audiences are familiar with the type or time of the advertisement, they will deliberately ignore most of the advertisement, even if the audiences are aware of the occurrence of the advertisement. Because of the capacity of people's attention, it affects their response to external information and behavior. Having a visual of a message doesn't mean receiving a message. Unexpected types of advertisements can attract the attention of the audience to achieve the purpose of advertising. For successful advertising, unexpected stimulation is indispensable, not only the content of the advertisement, but also timing, exposure strategy, and advertising type.
