  • 期刊


Effect of Herbicides on Seed Germination of Jatropha curcas and Its Application in No-till Cultivation


痲瘋樹(Jatropha curcas L.)對環境適應力強,耐乾旱與貧瘠,具生質能源作物之功能。痲瘋樹造林初期生育速度緩慢,雜草入侵嚴重,影響成林速度,但目前台灣仍未推薦適合之除草劑。因此本研究利用痲瘋樹種子為材料,於直播制度下篩選用於痲瘋樹萌前之除草劑。研究結果如下:痲瘋樹種子萌前之除草劑試驗中,以16種除草劑進行發芽試驗,其中草脫淨(1.60 kg ha^(-1))、滅必淨(1.50 kg ha^(-1))、拉草(2.50 kg ha^(-1))、施得圃(1.25 kg ha^(-1))、達有龍(2.00 kg ha^(-1))、撻乃安(3.00 kg ha^(-1))、本達隆(1.50 kg ha^(-1))、伏寄普(0.25 kg ha^(-1))、固殺草(1.60 kg ha^(-1))、與嘉磷塞(2.50 kg ha^(-1))對痲瘋樹種子萌芽出土率及幼苗生長無明顯抑制,均具潛力可應用於痲瘋樹種子萌前雜草管理。痲瘋樹田間試驗結果顯示噴施除草劑嘉磷塞+拉草+草脫淨1.6+1.4+1.6 kg ha^(-1)混劑,並不會影響痲瘋樹及間作作物玉米播種後出土率及幼苗生長,可應用於痲瘋樹間作玉米之栽培制度。


Jatropha curcas is a multipurpose, stress resistant plant, potentially as a source of renewable energy. In J. curcas cultivation, weed management is crucial for the early afforestation. However, there are few studies on J. curcas tolerance on registered herbicides in Taiwan. The objective of this research is to screen the proper herbicides used in J. curcas fields at the period of pre-emergence of the cultivation. Sixteen herbicides registered for major crops were evaluated in ermergence of J. curcas seeds for the pre-emergence screen. The result shown that atrazine (1.60 kg ha^(-1)), alachlor(2.50 kg ha^(-1)), bentazon(1.50 kg ha^(-1)), dinitramine (3.00 kg ha^(-1)), diuron (2.00 kg ha^(-1)), fluazifop-buty (0.25 kg ha^(-1)), metribuzin (1.50 kg ha^(-1)), pendimethalin (1.25 kg ha^(-1)), glufosinate (1.60 kg ha^(-1)) and glyphosate (2.50 kg ha^(-1)) are suited for J. curcas pre-emergence application. In field test, combination of glyphosate+alachlor+atrazine 1.6+1.4+1.6 kg ha^(-1) was applied immediately after sowing. The results showed that the combination of glyphosate, alachlor and atrazine could provide acceptable weed control without damaging to J. curcas and intercropping maize.


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