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Admission Channels in Matriculation and Academic Performance - A Case Study of One Northern Private University




大學入學 申請 繁星 指考


In this paper we analyze first two years' academic performance of students admitted to one northern private university from the years 2011 to 2015. The result shows that academic performance of students from the Multi-stars program is best, whether using grades, ranking in department or z-score as measuring standards for academic performance. This result still holds when using only required courses. Next to students from the Multi-stars program are students from the Application channel, while students from the Joint College Entrance Exam (JCEE) channel are worst in academic performance. The academic performance of students from the Multi-stars program in math and science related departments is worse than their performance in non-math and science departments. Nonetheless their performance is still significantly better than students from the JCEE channel. Academic performance of students from the JCEE channel are worse than students from the Multi-stars channel or Application channel in academic hour inputs, learning satisfaction, and academic status stability. The superior performance of students from the Multi-stars channel over students from the JCEE channel can not be explained by more academic hour inputs. Grades from high-school might be a good reason for their superior academic performance in university. But this factor is not the sole reason for the superiority of the Multi-stars channel students. In this paper, we try to give some other explanations.


matriculation application multi-star exam-entrance


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