  • 期刊


A Research of the "Senior Health Center" Planning Based on the Trend of "Aging in Place"


由於醫療科技的發達與醫療技術的突破,台灣人「平均餘命」逐年增加。然而隨著戰後嬰兒潮及少子化等問題的浮現,銀髮族生活相關之政策迫在眉睫;如何在高齡化的社會中提升銀髮族生活品質,是當今相關單位最該探討之議題。此外根據資料顯示在OECD國家中,65歲以上老人進住機構的比例有逐年降低之跡象,而70年代OECD提出在地老化(aging in place)之觀念,也廣受各國長期照護政策歡迎,認為老人之安養應以家庭與社區為主,機構為輔;因為此種方式,才能夠給予老人較熟悉的居住環境,創造老人身心需求的最大滿足。所以本研究於民國104年2月1日至民國104年6月30共訪問285位新竹縣新豐鄉與竹北市住民,以瞭解銀髮族在食、衣、住、行、育、樂方面之需求,以作為規劃「銀髮族養生園區」之參考資料。調查結果顯示,受訪者心目中理想的養生園區,應該擁有的設施前三名分別為,(1)景觀步道;(2)休閒農場;(3)卡拉ok歡唱室。此外,「銀髮族養生園區」也提供每人三坪之土地,供住民種植蔬果;將近半數(47.2%)之受訪者表示「非常願意」或「願意」耕種的意願,且願意採取使用者付費之方式。


Owing in part to advances in medical technology, the average life expectancy in Taiwan is increasing. However, the post-war baby boom and the declining birthrate have surfaced other issues. Not surprisingly, one current topic in Taiwan is how to enhance the quality of life of senior citizens. This study examines local seniors’ requirements in the areas of diet, clothing, housing, transportation, education and leisure. Face-to-face interviews were conducted and a total of 285 valid returns were received from 1st February 2015 to 30th June 2015. According to this survey results, the "Senior Health Center" provides: (1) interior space including fitness room, karaoke room, table tennis room, dance studio, library, community classroom, temple and prayer rooms, and other recreation; (2) space for outdoor activities including outdoor plaza, tennis court, croquet, landscape trails, gardening and farm; (3) education facilities; (4) public service facilities including multipurpose activity center, saloon, car park, restaurant, etc.
