  • 期刊


From the Example of the Symbol of Wind Red: Discussing "Innovative Concept and Expression" Advanced in Su Shi's Poetry




酒紅 意象 典範 蘇軾 意新語創


'Wine' was one of the most important symbols and subjects existed witin the tradition of Chinese poetry; and the correlation of 'wine' and 'red' truly had their own literary symbols. The correlation of those two words were started to emerge among the poems during the end of the Sui Dynasty. After that, a lot of poets in the Tang Dynasty also followed the expression of 'wine red' into their poems. There were three symbols beneath this expression. Firstly, conveying the sorrow of unfulfillment at the end of life year. Next, protraiting the beauties when they were drunk. Finally, displaying the feasts and parties. However, in the Song Dynasty, there were no other breakthrough toward the use of 'wind red' until the appearance of Su Shi. He broadened the interpretation of 'wine red', which had indicated as the elderly, whom had a young face. In terms of ”Innovative Thinking”, the author discussed how Su Shi innovated the new concepts and expressions, which were based on the previous prototype. According to the references the author had found, the main poetic features could be divided into half. Firstly, Su Shi were used to contradict the forms and meanings of the poems to develop the new symbol. Secondly, he was not only to follow the traditional symbol of 'wine red', but also think outside the framework. As the typical example of the method of ”Changing the Bones and Altering the Fetus”, this method initially appeared in Leng zhai Poetry Talks (Monk Hui Hong,); and the following poetic productions in the Song Dynasty were all cited or succeeded this mehtod. Hong Mai (Rong Zhai Essay), however, came up with his opinion on Su Shi's poetic features. He stated that Su Shi could be based on the traditional poetic symbols and innovated into the novel interpretations of 'wine red', which had never been achieved by the rest of poets. Therefore, in the light of prototype shift of 'wind red' symbols, the auther would explicate how Su Shi could base on the mainstream poetic state, which advocated as ”Meticulous Concept and Expression” in the Song D ynasty, to establish his own poetic state of ”Innovative Concept and Expression”.


