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Discussion on the marketing mode of medical aesthetic industry




This study explores whether consumers will change the consumer's preference for trust, and then influence the decision-making behavior, under the two modes of "TV advertising" and "YouTuber" in medical aesthetic industry. Discussing the trust transfer among the medical community as the main research object, using the experimental design method to verify, design 8 situations of experimental situation to carry on the research in the campus, carry on the experiment and distribute the network questionnaire, the research hypothesis all support, therefore this research suggests that the medical aesthetic clinic may give priority to look for the well-known YouTuber to do the endorsement, To achieve the emotional support of consumers, when consumers have the desire to purchase, and then ask the spokesperson to provide consumers with information support, when the consumer on the clinic when asked, and through good interaction with the specific target customer relationship, in order to achieve the principle of reciprocity.


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