  • 期刊


Inverted Papilloma of the Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses Concurrent with Malignant Lymphoma - Case Report


發生於鼻腔及鼻竇中的倒生性乳頭狀瘤並非少見,但鼻腔及鼻竇中的惡性淋巴瘤卻十分罕見。本文報告一鼻腔及鼻竇中合併有倒生性乳頭狀瘤及惡性淋巴瘤的病例。我們為病人施行患側內上頜骨切除術(medial maxillectomy),病人術後接受二次化學治療程,至今無復發跡象。


Inverted papilloma of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses is uncommon, but malignant lymphoma of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinus is more rare. A case of co-existent inverted papilloma and malign-nant lymphoma of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinus was presented. The patient was treated by left medial maxillectomy and two courses of chemotherapy postoper-atively. The result was successful and there has been no local recurrence observed till now. The connection between inverted papilloma and carcinoma is well estab-lished. Howerever, there has been no report in the literature about co-existence of inverted papilloma and malignant lymphoma. The presented case was well discussed.
