

神經髓鞘腫瘤可分為神經鞘瘤(neurilemmoma)、神經纖維瘤(neurofibroma)及神經肉瘤(neurogenic sarcoma), 前兩者為良性,而後者為惡性。一般認為皆起於源顧Schwann氏細胞(Schwann’s cells), 好發於頭頸部及上下肢體的屈側表面,而發生於鼻部及鼻竇極為少見。發生於鼻部及鼻竇之神經腫瘤多為神經鞘瘤,神經纖維瘤則罕見。神經纖維瘤常伴隨Von Recklinghausen 氏病發生,少有單一腫瘤之病例,鼻中隔之病例更罕見報告,且幾呼全為單一病灶。本科於今年6月經歷1名69歲男性病患,因長期鼻塞症狀而求珍,理學檢查見左鼻前庭處有一個灰色息肉狀腫瘤附著於鼻中隔,電腦斷層檢查見到一軟組織密度腫瘤於左側鼻腔前方,經內視鏡手術除瘤腫後,病理診斷為鼻中隔之神經纖維瘤,由於此病例甚為罕見,特提出討論。


Peripheral nerve sheath tumors comprise neurilemmomas, neurofibromas and neurogenic sarcomas. Neurilemmomas and neurofibromas are classified as benign, and erurogenic sarcomas are classified as malignant. All three types are believed to arise from Schwann cells and demonstrate an increased incidence in the head, neck and flexoral surfaces of the upper and lower extremities. They are not commonly found in the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses. In the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, the majority of peripheral nerve sheath tumor described are neurilemmomas, whereas neurofibromas, which are mainly associated with Von Recklinghausen’s disease, are only rarely found. Isolated nasal septal neurofibromas are also extremely are also extremely rare, nearly all are solitary tumors, and complete surgical excision is the treatment of choice. A 69-year-old man who man suffered from nasal obstruction for over a year is presented. On examination, a gray, polypoid mass originating from the nasal septum was found in the left nasal vestibule. A CT-scan demonstrated a soft-tissue density the left nasal cavity. The mass was removed using endoscopic surgery and the final pathological diagnosis was neurofibroma. The postoperative course was unremarkable.
