  • 期刊


Hemangiopericytoma-like Tumor in the Nasal Cavity


鼻腔似血管外皮細胞瘤(hemangio-pericytoma-like tumor of the nasal cavity, HPCLT)相當少見,當今英文文獻中,只有約200例被報導過。本科於2001年8月經歷1名69歲男性病患、主訴左側流鼻血,鼻涕倒流已1星期。理學檢查發現有一平滑、紅色接觸即流血之上鼻道腫塊,經病理組織切片,證實爲鼻腔似血管外皮細胞瘤;在電腦斷層掃瞄下所見,腫塊直徑約為1.5cm,附著於後篩竇內壁。同年9月,以鼻竇內視鏡進行腫瘤周圍廣泛切除手術,發現腫瘤局限於後篩竇。並造成蝶竇開口之阻塞。術後門診追蹤1年,無復發情形。鼻腔似血管外皮細胞瘤爲罕爲疾病,臨床表現上除流鼻血外,其餘均與慢性鼻竇炎相似,治療以手術廣泛性切除爲主,一般不建議以放射綫及化學治療。


Hemangiopericytoma-like tumor of the nasal cavity (HPCLT) is rare, with only 200 cases having been reported in the English literature to date. In August 2001, a 69-year-old man presented with a one-week history of left ep is taxis and post-nasal drip. A smooth, red mass was found in the superior nasal meatus on physical examination that bled on being touched. The mass was well-encapsulated, had a pedicle from the superior nasal meatus, and was found to be HPCLT after a biopsy. Nasal computed tomogramphic scanning demonstrated the diameter of the tumor, attached to the in tine of posterior ethmoid sinus, was about 1.5cm. In September, a wide sinoscopic excision around the tumor site was performed. The tumor was predominantly in the posterior ethmoid sinus and had obstructed the ostium of the sphenoid sinus. There has been no evidence of recurrence in the one year following the tumor removal. In summary, the symptoms of HPCLT are similar to those of chronic paranasal sinusitis with the exception of epistaxis. The tumor was localized to the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinus and had an excellent outcome following appropriate surgical management that is the mainstay of treatment. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are not recommended.


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