  • 期刊


Malignant Melanoma of Anterior Part of Hard Palate with Neck Metastasis - Case Report




Maignant melanoma of oral mucosa is a rare and disastrous disease, and it is much rarer to have neck metastasis. At present radical surgery is the mainstay of treatment. We experienced a case of 55-year-old female with the manifestation of left submandibular mass for about 5 months. There was no abnormal finding except for a suspected submadibular tumor in the initial physical examination and computed tomography of the head and neck. Excision of the mass was done, and the pathologi-cal report revealed metastatic malignant melanoma. Thereafter, Pimay lesion was found at both lateral portion of the left side of the hard palate and upper gum after careful examination. The patient then underwent composite resection of half of the left hard palate and alveolar ride with modified radical neck dissection. Post-operatively, adjuvant radiotherapy was given and no recurrence has bee noted over an 8-month follow-up.


malignant melanoma oral mucosa
