

大泡狀鼻甲為常見之中鼻甲解剖變異。由於其位置正好在竇口鼻道複合體附近,是否會影響黏液引流而與慢性鼻竇炎相關呢?針對此問題,台北市立婦幼綜合醫院收集自1993年3月至1996年8月間因疑似慢性鼻竇炎前來就診患者之電腦斷層掃描資料,做一回顧性整理,計得168例。其中男性89例,女性79例,年齡分布從5歲至73歲。將合格患者159名分成2組,A組為電腦斷層掃描鼻竇正常者,共13例,B組為電腦斷層掃描有鼻竇炎者,共146例。A組中有2例大泡狀鼻甲。B組中有19例大泡狀鼻甲。平均在本院接受治療的鼻竇炎患者大泡狀鼻甲之發生率為13.0%。(中耳醫誌 1997;32:287-291)


Concha bullosa is a common anatomic variation of the middle turbinate. Its prevalence and relationship to the patogenesis of sinus inflammatory disease is still debatable. We collected 168 consecutive coronal CT scans performed for evaluation of symptoms of sinuses over a 42-month period from March 1993 to Auguse 1996. Eightynine patients were male and seventy-nine were female. The age distribution of the patients ranged from 5 years to 73years old. Eligible patients were divided into 2 groups according to findings of sinus disease. Group A comprised 13 patients whose CT scans showed no abnormality of sinuses. Two patients of group A were found to have concha bullsa. Group B comprised 146 patients whose CT scans showed evidence of sinusitis. Nineten patients of Group B were found to have concha bullosa. The incidence of concha bullosa in our patients who suffered from chronic paranasal sinusitis was 13.0%.
