



副神經節瘤 鼻腔


Paragangliomas can occur in heart, lung, mediastinum, gastrointestinal tract, retroperi-toneum and urinary bladder where paraganglia exist. Paraganglioma originating from the head and neck region are rare; there were only 23 cases reported in the past. Symptoms of recurrent epistaxis, rhinorrhea, nasal obstruction and facial swelling are common clini-cally but not specific to this tumor. Adequate surgical excision with clear margins is the standard treatment. Radiotherapy was used in recurrent tumors but the result was contro-versial. We report a 17-year-old female with histology-proved paraganglioma involiving nasal cavity with initial symptoms of nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea and recurrent epistaxis; a mass occupying mainly right nasal cavity and nasaopharynx was noted by physical exam-ination and nasopharyngeal fibroscopy. Surgical excision was done and pathological report was paraganglioma. There has been no recurrence 6 months after the operation. Nasal paraganglioma should be differentiated with other benign nasal tumors; its symp-toms are not specific and final diagnosis depends on histological exam. Surgical excision is the principal of treatment, and radiotherapy has been used for recurrence. Long-term follow-up is recommended because of easy recurrence.


paraganglioma nasal cavity


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