

背景:深頸部感染是會危及生命的頭頸部急症之一,倘若無法立即正確診斷及積極治療,很容易造成嚴重的併發症,甚至於死亡。鑑於本院近期以來深頸部感染之病例數非但沒有因為抗生素之普遍使用而減少,反而有增加的趨勢,因此收集本院過去5年來的病例,並參考文獻,作分析與討論。 方法:從1996年2月到2001年2月,本院共經歷154例深頸部感染住院病患,我們針對其性別、年齡、症狀、病因、影像學診斷、治療方式、細菌培養、住院日數及併發症等加以探討。 結果:在本系列中,共收集病患154名,其中男性97名,女性57名。發病尖峰期為每年1-4月及7-9月。住院天數由2天至30天,平均8.9天。病患主述症狀以喉嚨疼痛65.6%及吞嚥疼痛55.2%為最多。病患潛在因子以糖尿病佔26%最多,而其他尚包括上呼吸道感染及齒源性問題等。深頸部感染分類以扁桃周圍膿腫最多,佔34.4%;其次為合併兩處以上間隙感染(space infection)30.5%。115名有做細菌培養,陽性比例為62.6%。菌種培養以Klebsiella pneumoniae 29名(40.3%)最多,而其中糖尿病患者19名(65.5%);草綠色鏈球菌居次17名(23.6%)。影像診斷以電腦斷層為主要工具,接受電腦斷層檢查有90名,最常見的頸部間隙感染為側咽膿腫;其他包括頷下腺間隙感染、咽後膿腫等亦常見。治療方面以靜脈注射抗生素治療為主,抗生素的選擇以第一代cephalosporin加上胺基配醣體(aminoglycoside),若併發嚴重感染或懷疑為厭氧菌感染則再加以clindamycin治療。154例中,接受針吸治療有80名,接受切開引流治療有41名,其餘僅接受藥物治療。其他治療方式也包括呼吸道維持(緊急氣管切開6名,占3.9%)。併發症包括敗血症5例,其中2例合併縱隔侵犯;單純縱隔侵犯有1例;第六對顱神經麻痺1例;顏面神經麻痺1例;頸靜脈栓塞1例。2人死亡。 結論:深頸部感染的病患在臨床上相當常見,因此正確診斷、呼吸道維持、有效而正確的抗生素治療及適時的切開引流就更加重要,尤其在合併其他系統性疾病患者。


BACKGROUND: Despite the wide use of antibiotics, deep neck infections continue to be life-threatening. We reviewed 154 cases in the past 5 years and analyzed them. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study of 154 cases from February of 1996 to February of 2001. RESULTS: Male to female ratio was 97/57. Cases occurred most often between January and April and July and September. Hospitalization ranged from 2 to 30 days, averaging 8.9. Sore throat (65.6%) was the most common symptom. Diabetes mellitus (26%) was the most common predisposing factor. Ninety underwent computed tomography. Fifty three (34.4%) had peritonsillar space abscesses and 47 (30.5%) had mixed spaces infections. 72/115 (62.6%) cultures were positive. Klebsiella pneumoniae was most common (29/72, 40.3%), especially in diabetics (19/69, 65.5%). All were treated with antibiotics. Needle aspiration of the abscess was performed in 80 patients. Forty one underwent incision and open drainage. Six had emergency tracheotomies. Complications included mediastinal invasion (3), sepsis (5), 6th cranial nerve palsy (1), 7th cranial nerve palsy (1) and death (2). CONCLUSION: Even when antibiotics are used, effective management of deep neck infections often still requires surgical intervention, especially in cases complicated by systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus.
