  • 期刊


Osteoma of Mandible Condylar Head Resulting in External Auditory Canal Stenosis


患者爲59歲男性,主訴左耳聽力障礙5年。體檢發現左側耳郭前區有一大約2.5×2.8 cm質地堅硬的腫瘤,及外耳道狹窄。高解析電腦斷層攝影顯示,左側下頷骨髁突外側骨瘤並造成外耳道狹窄。純音聽力檢查左耳爲55 dB混合型聽障,氣導骨導差距爲23 dB。患者因心肺功能問題,以兩階段手術完成下頷骨髁突骨瘤切除及耳道重建手術。腫瘤的病理報告爲骨瘤。手術後經6年的追蹤,下頷骨髁突骨瘤沒有復發,下巴可完全張開沒歪斜,外耳道維持通暢,手術後聽力爲40 dB。


The patient is a 59 year old male who presented with left ear hearing impairment for the past 5 years. Physical examination revealed a mass of about 2.5×2.8 cm at preauricular area, external auditory canal stenosis and facial asymmetry. The CT scan revealed an osteoma at the left condylar head, external auditory canal (EAC) stenosis. Pure tone audiometry revealed mixed type hearing loss of 55 dB with an air-bone gap of 23 dB in left ear. The patient recived surgical treatment. The pathological report of the tumor was osteoma. After 6-years' follow up the EAC showed patent and no recurrent cholesteatoma. The mandible ccould keep full open without deviation or joint pain. The average PTA was 40 dB postoperatively.
