  • 期刊


Ear Advantage for Pure Tone Threshold and Mandarin Speech Discrimination Ability




BACKGROUND: While listening experiments have proven the existence of Right-Ear Advantage (REA) for peripheral hearing function and speech discrimination ability in English speaking subjects, such pattern has yet to be confirmed in Mandarin speakers. The correlation of results between hearing thresholds and speech discrimination ability is also not well established. We hypothesized that REA exists for both peripheral hearing function and speech discrimination ability in Mandarin-speaking subjects. Speech discrimination scores were negatively correlated with hearing thresholds. And, interaural relative severity for peripheral hearing function and speech discrimination ability was also correlated. METHODS: A retrospectively assembled database of pure tone audiometry and speech discrimination score (SDS) of 215 Mandarin-speaking Taiwanese with normal or sensorineural hearing loss, who were collected from the out-patient department of Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, were analyzed. RESULTS: RESULTS: The proportion of cases whose pure tone audiometry (PTA) of the right ear (RPTA) were better than PTA of the left ear (LPTA) was 39.5%, whose RPTA equaled to LPTA was 10.7%, and whose RPTA were worse than LPTA was 49.8%. The proportion of cases whose right speech discrimination score (RSDS) were higher than left speech discrimination score (LSDS) was 36.7%, whose RSDS equaled to LSDS was 31.7%, and whose RSDS were less than LSDS was 31.6%. PTA had significant negative association with SDS before and after adjusting other clinical variables only in the left ear of females. The proportion of inverse correlation between interaural difference of SDS of right ear versus left ear (RLSDS) and PTA of right ear versus left ear (RLPTA) was only 29.3%. CONCLUSIONS: There was no ear advantage for both peripheral hearing function and speech discrimination ability in these Mandarin speaking subjects. Peripheral hearing threshold could predict speech discrimination ability only in the left ears of females. Besides, the proportion of inverse correlation between interaural difference of SDS of right ear versus left ear (RLSDS) and PTA of right ear versus left (RLPTA) was low.
