  • 期刊


Trans-Tympanic Cartilage Chip Insertion in a Patient with Intractable Patulous Eustachian Tube-Case Report




Patulous eustachian tube is caused by inadequate closure of the eustachian tube (ET). Most patients have symptoms of aural fullness and autophony. These symptoms can be improved by posture change to the lordotic or supine position. Currently, treatments of the patulous eustachian tube include conservative observation, weight gain, nasal drops, tympanostomy tube, occlusion of ET, and reconstruction of the ET. We report a 64-yearold female, who was diagnosed as patulous eustachian tube due to aural fullness and autophony. The patient had received tympanostomy tube, nasal drops, and transnasal ET occlusion twice, but all are ineffective. We performed a trans-tympanic autologous tragal cartilage chip insertion for this patient. The tragal cartilages were trimmed and inserted into the isthmus of the eustachian tube through the tympanic membrane and the middle ear. The patient showed a significant reduction in symptoms of aural fullness and autophony. No ear discomfort was noted after the surgery. We demonstrated that the trans-tympanic autologous tragal cartilage chip insertion might be a feasible technique to treat intractable patulous eustachian tube.
