  • 期刊

Complex Auditory Brainstem Response Evoked by Relayed Acoustic Stimulation of a Sound Output System



BACKGROUND: The evoked auditory evoked response (ABR) evoked by complex sounds is called complex ABR (cABR). However, restrictions on a coustic stimuli are common for a commercial system. Here a device, SimulABR-SO, designed to continuously monitor electric stimuli from a presumed system and output acoustic stimuli independently with an ignorable delay was introduced. The cABRs were compared with those acquired from a conventional system to verify the validity of the design. METHODS: cABRs evoked by compound click-sawtooth wave (CSW) were acquired from ten healthy volunteers as the control group, and the responses from another ten healthy participants using the device were obtained as the test group. The stimulation intensity of acoustic stimuli was 40 dB above the sensation level. RESULTS: The response rate was 100% for both systems and there were no significant differences in response latencies and amplitudes between the two systems ( p > 0.05, Mann-Whitney U test). An example of cABR response using dichotic stimulation also supported the validity of the system. CONCLUSIONS: The device could couple with a cABR system but independently output desired acoustic stimulations that are uploaded using software. The responses can be analyzed using the host commercial system without changing user experience of the examiner. The device provides an alternative and even more options such as a dichotic stimulation to acquire cABR without restriction of an existing cABR system.


目的:一般市售複雜音誘發聽性腦幹反應(cABR)系統對於刺激音都有限制,也無法雙耳異訊(dichotic)刺激。本研究以開發SimABR-SO中繼聲音放大裝置,搭配市售系統輸出自行設計的刺激音蒐集cABR訊號,並比較市售系統以驗證裝置設計的可行性。方法:20名20~40歲的健康成人為對象,刺激音為音強40聽覺分貝(dB SL)的複合滴音鋸齒音(click-sawtooth)。聲音輸出為插入式耳機單耳刺激。首先以市售系統蒐集cABR反應,之後再蒐集SimABR-SO的cABR反應作比較。結果:兩種方法誘發的反應波潛值沒有統計差異。而從1名受試者以兩個相差5毫秒之複合滴音鋸齒音作為雙耳異源刺激來誘發cABR之反應可看出,此系統的確可以誘發出雙耳不同之反應波。結論:SimABR-SO搭配市售系統可以誘發出相當的反應,且可以自行設定刺激的訊號以及雙耳異訊刺激,未來將可應用於基礎醫學以及臨床醫學。
