

1988年底台灣地區共有2397位執業中醫師,即每位中醫師服務8304人,中西醫師比例1.0:7.6。中醫師的地理分佈存在嚴重的不均。中醫師的年齡集中於30-44歲(佔51%)和70歲以上(佔25%),但各地區中醫師的年齡分佈並無明顯不同。在素質方面,1989年特考及格中醫師中,大學、專科、中小學畢業者各約佔三分之一;在中醫診所中,未受過醫學相開教育特及格者佔60%,受過醫相關教育特考及格者佔30%,中醫系或學士後中醫系畢業者佔2%。 1989年台灣地區共有中醫醫院88家,中醫診所1424家,並均存在嚴重的地理分佈不均。在服務科別上,除了不分科的機構外,平均每家中醫醫院設置4.3科,中醫診所2.7科。在人員配置上,平均每家中醫醫院有5.8位中醫師,4.6位調劑人員,4.5位護理人員;中醫診所有1.1位中醫師,1.4位調劑人員,1.2位護理人員。




There were 2397 practicing Chinese medical doctors by the end of 1988. Each one served 8304 persons. The number of Chinese medical doctors to that of physicians trained by western method was in the ratio of 1/7.6. The geographical distribution of Chinese medical doctors was quite uneven. The ages were mainly distributed between 30-40 (51%) and over 70 (25%). There were no significant differences in age distribution among different geographical areas. Concerning the background of Chinese medical doctors who passed the special examination in 1989, the university graduates, the junior college graduates and the middle or primary school graduates constituted about 1/3 of the Chinese medical doctors, respectively. Among the clinics of Chinese medicine, 60% of the doctors passed the special examination but never received any medical or paramedical training; 30% of the doctors passed the special examination and had received some medical or paramedical training; only 2% of the doctors had been graduated from department or graduate school of Chinese medicine in China Medical College. In 1989, there were 88 Chinese medical hospitals and 1424 clinics in Taiwan. The geographical distribution was uneven. In average, each hospital had 4.3 departments and each clinic had 2.7 departments excluding those without departments. As to the placement of personnel, each hospital had 5.8 doctors, 4.6 pharmacists and 4.5 nurses in average, while clinic had 1.1 doctors, 1.4 pharmacists and 1.2 nurses.


