  • 期刊


Differences in Family Function and Childbearing Attitudes between Schizophrenic Families and Normal Families


由臨床及研究可以了解精神病患者的家庭功能運作情形,常呈現出功能失調,因而影響其子女的成長。本研究之主要目的在於探討精神分裂病患之家庭功能及教養態度與一般家庭有何不同。 本研究採個案對照研究法,以精神分裂病患者並育有十五歲以下子女之家庭爲研究對象,並找出兒童年齡、性別、父母社經地位背景相近的家庭爲對照組。病患組與對照組各爲30對。經由病患組與對照組填寫“家庭功能評估量表”及“教養態度評估量表”,所收集之資料由敘述性統計法及無母數之推論性統計法處理之。 研究結果顯示,男病患對家庭功能的評價比其配偶或女病患高,對子女教養態度方面,男病患比其配偶較採取獨立性、少溝通及不刻意訓練之態度。女病患比男病患採較多與子女溝通之態度。對照組之家庭功能比病者組的高。對照組的先生比男性病患對子女較刻意訓練、較多溝通、較不獨立及子女較依附,對照組的太太比女病患更刻意訓練、對小孩較嚴格。因此男性病患之小孩需練習自己照顧自己。但女性病患子女之成長更需關切,因爲男性病患的太太顯得比女性病患的先生較能負擔起教養之責任。 本研究結果可增進了解精神病者家庭及一般家庭的家庭及教養情形。因此在醫院病房、門診或居家訪問時,醫療專業人員能關懷地評估此家庭之功能及教養態度,以促進家庭心理衛生及兒童之發展。


Family function and the development of off spring in families of schizophrenic patients are influenced by the patient's symptoms and poor copying abilities. The purpose of this study was to explore the differences in family function and childbearing attitudes of schizophrenic families and normal families. The case control research design was adopted for this study. Thirty schizophrenic subjects were recruited by convenient sampling from a psychiatric outpatient department. Only patients with children under 15 years old were included. Thirty normal subjects were matched for age and sex of children and family social economic status. Two questionnaires were used: (1) The Family Function Scale, and (2) Childbearing Attitudes. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inference statistics using the SPSSIPC program. The results showed that male patients perceived the family function to be better than their spouses did; male patients expressed more independence and free attitudes toward childbearing than female patients did. Female patients showed more communication ability than male patients did. Family function was better in normal families than in schizophrenic families. Normal fathers demonstrated more discipline, communication ability, attachment and less independent childbearing attitudes than male patients did. The attitude of normal mothers toward discipline was greater than female patients. It seems that the offspring of male patients has to learn to take care of themselves. There is greater concern for the development of the offspring of female patients, because spouses of male patients take on more of the childrearing responsibilities than spouses of female patients. The major contributions of this study are the enhancement of our knowledge of the family function and childrearing attitudes of psychotic and normal families. Clinical health professionals need to assess the family function and childrearing attitudes of patients in order to improve the family mental health and child development status.


