  • 期刊


Trends of Cumulative Mortality Rate and Years of Potential Life Lost on Accidents, Malignant Neoplasms and Cerebrovascular Attacks in Taiwan (1971-1990)


近些年來,台灣地區經濟成長迅速,醫療保健和國民生活水準提高,使得民眾的主要死因也逐年有所變動。本文分析1971~1990年間台灣地區民眾罹患惡性腫瘤、腦血管疾病及意外災害的年齡標準化死亡率、男女累積死亡率(0~74歲)、潛在生命損失值(years of potential life lost; YPLL)和潛在工作年數損失值(work years of potential life lost; WYPLL),探討國人該三大死因的死亡率型態及趨勢。結果發現國人罹患惡性腫瘤和意外災害的累積死亡率(0~74歲)在近20年間有微輻上揚趨勢,而腦血管疾病則呈現逐年明顯下降的現象。潛在生命損失值和潛在工作年數損失值是評估各種死因對社會衝擊的另一種方式,它假定每個人活一年均有同等重要性,則年輕人死亡對社會生產力的損失,似乎較老年人更爲顯著。本文以1990年台灣居民各年齡層平均餘命,推算出該年全民因急性腫瘤、腦血管病變及意外災害的潛在生命損失值,則男性的該三大死因分別爲230.2、121.6及389.0千人年;在女性則各爲152.5、91.0及146.1千人年。同時,意外災害在該年共造成台灣男性居民259.4千人年的潛在工作年數損失,遠超過急性腫瘤84.8千人年或腦血管疾病31.7千人年數倍之多。因此,政府爲保陣國人生命安全,除了應再繼續加強急性腫瘤和腦血管等慢性疾病的醫療保健之外,有關意外災害的各種防治工作更應加強。


During the past three decades, the prosperous economic growth of the Taiwan area has caused improvements in the living standard and general health condtions of the people. As a result, malignant neoplasms, cerebrovascular attacks (CVAs), and accidents have become the three leading causes of death in Taiwan since 1966. Based on the vital statistical data of Taiwan, this study calculated the standardized mortality rate and the cumulative mortality rate (0-74 years old' CMR(subscript0-74)) in order to examine the mortality trends for these three major causes of death from 1971 to 1990. The results show that the CMR(subscript 0-74's) of malignant neoplasms and accidents have had a mild but consistent increase during the last 20 years, while those for CVAs show a consistent decrease after 1985. In addition, we also calculated the years of potential life lost (YPLL) and the work years of potential life lost (WYPLL) to estimate the social and economic impacts from these causes of death. We found that the YPLL of cancer, CVAs and accidents are 230,200, 121,600 and 389,000 for males; and 152,500, 91,000 and 146,100 for females, respectively. In terms of WYPLL, however, accidencs accounted for 259,400 work years lost compared with 84,800 years for cancer and 31,700 years for CVAs in males; the WYPLL ror accidents, cancer and CVAS were 86,500, 57,000, and 16,400 person years, respectively. We conclude that accidents constitute the leading cause of death for those of productive ages and deprive society of more years (and working years) of potential life than cancer or CVAs. In the future, the prevention of accidents deserves greater action and research.


